The Emerging Digital Academy

News + Stories

eda alumni abdullahi

EDA Alumni Spotlight-Riley DuBord

Riley DuBord is a graduate of EDA's twelfth cohort, the Leavitt cohort. Learn ...
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EDA Alumni Dalton

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Dalton Meyer

Dalton Meyer is a graduate of EDA's first cohort, Ada. Learn more about ...
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eda alumni abdullahi

EDA Alumni Spotlight-Abdullahi Ali

Abdullahi Ali is a graduate of EDA's thirteenth cohort, the Minsky cohort. Learn ...
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EDA Alumni Marek

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Marek Carlisle

Marek Carlisle is a graduate of EDA's second cohort, Babbage. Learn more about ...
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EDA Alumni Nicholas Bares

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Nicholas Bares

Nicholas Bares is a graduate of EDA's fifth cohort, Erlang. Learn more about ...
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EDA Alumni Jared Kroke

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Jared Kroke

Jared Kroke is a graduate of EDA's sixth cohort, Fortran. Learn more about ...
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ujjwal adhikari alumni

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Ujjwal Adhikari

Ujjwal Adhikari is a graduate of EDA's seventh cohort, Gosling. Learn more about ...
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Joey Pettit

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Joey Pettit

Joey Pettit is a graduate of EDA's eighth cohort, Hopper. Learn more about ...
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Sebastien zasada

EDA Alumni Spotlight- Sebastien Zasada

Sebastien Zasada is a graduate of EDA's ninth cohort, Iwatani. Learn more about ...
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EDA Alumni Eyan Anderson

EDA Alumni Spotlight-Eyan Anderson

Eyan Anderson is a graduate of EDA's tenth cohort, Jolitz. Learn more about ...
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