EDA Alumni Spotlight- Sebastien Zasada

Sebastien Zasada is a graduate of EDA’s ninth cohort, Iwatani.

Learn more about Sebastien and his time at Emerging Digital Academy ⬇️Sebastien Zasada Alumni


What impact has EDA had on you?

EDA has equipped me with the necessary technical skills and knowledge to excel in the world of software development. Through its comprehensive curriculum, which covered a wide range of programming languages, frameworks, and tools, I have become well-versed in various aspects of the industry. This has enabled me to confidently take on projects and challenges, knowing that I have a solid foundation to build upon.


What has been the biggest lesson you have learned?

The biggest lesson I have learned from my time at EDA is the importance of adaptability and continuous learning. As technology evolves at a rapid pace, it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments, tools, and best practices in the industry.



What is your favorite memory from EDA?

When we finished our client project and had a UI consult with Mason, we found out having scrollable mobile modals in modals with forms is surprisingly not considered best practice in software development. Mason didn’t seem very impressed, considering these modals were all over our application. For about 10 seconds I thought we were going to have to redo a good portion of the project. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.


If you were to give advice to someone considering applying to EDA, what would you say?

Before diving into the program, ensure that you have a genuine interest in software development and are willing to dedicate the time and effort required for such an intensive experience. EDA will be challenging, but with the right mindset and determination, it can be extremely rewarding.


What advice do you have for the next cohort?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from instructors, mentors, and fellow students. Everyone is there to support each other, and seeking assistance when you’re struggling can significantly enhance your learning experience.

Connect with Sebastien


Interested in applying? Apply now or contact us for more information!


Read last week’s EDA Alumni Spotlight here.

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Avery Nelson