Meet Minsky: Gabrielle Lommel

Gabrielle Lommel grew up in Big Lake, MN and joins the Minsky cohort after being a Project Manager.

Gabrielle Learn about Gabrielle and why she chose EDA ⬇️

Why did you choose EDA?

I’ve always had a knack for solving problems and building things, so pivoting into a career that’s more hands-on and technical was appealing to me. And it’s a field that requires you to be constantly learning and growing, which I highly value.


What is the most interesting or surprising thing about EDA so far?

How supportive the staff and mentors are — everyone genuinely wants to see you succeed.


What are your hobbies outside of EDA?

I have too many hobbies! My main ones are knitting, gardening, biking, skiing, traveling, playing board games and spending time with my family.


Any advice for someone thinking about joining EDA?


Follow your passion! If you enjoy coding and learning new skills, there’s a great chance you’ll thrive in EDA. And don’t forget to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with this new experience.

What is something you are grateful for?

I’m grateful for my fiancé, Ryan. He’s the first person that encouraged me to explore this career path, and he has been there for me every step of the way.

View Gabrielle’s Solo Project, The Knitty Gritty. 

Interested in applying? Apply now or contact us for more information! The deadline to apply for the next cohort is June 24, 2024.


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Avery Nelson