Upcoming Events

Intro to Python Workshop

Prairie Den 118 Broadway St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for an exciting in-person coding workshop at the Prairie Den! This hands-on event is designed for beginners who are eager to dive into the world of programming. Python…

Coffee + Coding: A Morning Tech Meetup

Prairie Den 118 Broadway St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Love technology, professional development, and connecting with likeminded people? Join us at Emerging Digital Academy‘s monthly meetup, Coffee + Coding! Coffee + Coding brings EDA alumni, students, and those interested in…

Neumann Cohort Solo Projects

Join us as the Emerging Digital Academy Neumann cohort presents their Solo Projects! ____________ As part of our learner’s capstone projects, each student in a cohort must complete a solo…

Intro to HTML/CSS Workshop

Prairie Den 118 Broadway St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for a free, immersive Intro to HTML/CSS Workshop and explore your interest in coding. This fun, self-paced workshop will be an interesting code-along experience. No prior experience is…

Elevate Conference

Elevate is a conference for our region’s technology community. Whether you’re a software developer, product owner, designer, or entrepreneur working in the technology space, there’s something for everyone! Elevate aims…

Neumann Cohort Client Project Presentations

Join us either in person or on our Facebook live stream for an exclusive showcase of the remarkable projects our Neumann cohort learners have been hard at work on at…

Neumann Cohort Graduation Ceremony

Prairie Den 118 Broadway St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for our Neumann Cohort Graduation Ceremony! We will celebrate the graduation of our 5 students on December 3rd in the Prairie Den. This event will be a special…

Intro to Javascript Workshop

Join us for a free, immersive Intro to Javascript Workshop and explore your interest in coding. This fun, self-paced workshop working on a planetary calendar project will be an interesting…

Coffee + Coding: A Morning Tech Meetup

NDSU Research and Technology Incubator 1854 NDSU Research Circle N, Fargo, ND

Love technology, professional development, and connecting with likeminded people? Join us at Emerging Digital Academy‘s monthly meetup, Coffee + Coding! Coffee + Coding brings EDA alumni, students, and those interested in…

Intro to Coding Workshop

Prairie Den 118 Broadway St N, Fargo, ND, United States

Join us for a free intro to coding workshop to explore your interest in coding. This fun, self-paced workshop will be an interesting code-along experience. No prior experience is needed!…